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Hello Halo ~ King's Cross, London

  • Kings Place 90 York Way London, England, N1 9AG United Kingdom (map)

The Composer, Violinist & Sound artist Ruby Colley, shares her new vocal work ‘Hello Halo’ inspired by her non-verbal brothers modes of communication performed with Exaudi Ensemble.

This composition has been developed alongside Ruby’s brother, Paul Colley, who is neurodivergent & has high support needs. Despite being termed "non-verbal," Paul uses a rich repertoire of sounds & gestures.

This composition transcribes these communication methods, using live voice and recordings of Paul, to make a vocal map of Pauls life & relationships. It is an intimate examination of communication, both subtle and nuanced, and asks questions of what it means to be human.

Earlier Event: 29 January
Nigel Kennedy ~ Barbican, London
Later Event: 3 February
Hello Halo ~ Liverpool